Optimizing SEO for Individual Products 

The CMS supplies a Meta Title and Meta Description at the global website level, but there are many other opportunities, such as using product meta tags and refining the URL that help to maximize and fine-tune your “searchability.”

Short URL

Use the URL field to create short, descriptive URLs that contain keywords. If you sell candles, the URL fragrance-free-candles is more beneficial than other-candles.

Meta Title

Click on the Meta Tags tab to display the Meta Title field.

Product level meta titles correspond to Google’s blue links in search results and enable your product to be found more effectively in searches. The Meta Title should briefly describe what the product is about.  Try to keep the text to 70 or fewer characters.

Meta Description

Click on the Meta Tags tab to display the Meta Description field.

Meta Descriptions provide additional product level information so your product can be found in searches. The Meta Decription corresponds to the text that is displayed under the blue link in Google search results. In the Meta Description, try to describe what the product is about in about 2 sentences or 150 characters.


Maximizing SEO for Product Categories 

If you use category pages to display your products in hyperlinked lists,  there are SEO options you can define that will maximize your SEO for the category. 

Meta Title

Click on the Meta Tags tab to display the Meta Title field. 

The Meta Title should briefly describe what the product category is about.

Meta Description

Click on the Meta Tags tab to display the Meta Description field. 

Meta Description provides additional category level information so your product category can be found in searches.