All Tasks > Web Site > Global Settings > Product Plug-in
- Checkout Page - Select a specific page where visitors are sent to view their cart and check out. If no page is selected, visitors are sent back to the default Product page set in Web Pages.
- Login Required –Select to require shoppers to register on your website before they can check out. This practice is recommended.
- Login Message –If Login is required, above, then enter a login message to display to visitors at checkout, asking them to login or register.
- Require Age Check –Selecting this field requires shoppers to enter their birth date on their order for compliancy purposes. This setting is required if you sell controlled substances such as alcohol or other controlled substances, as mandated by regulations in the state you are conducting business.
- Ask For Storing Payment - Select to ask customers if they would like to save or update payment information.
- Allow Pickup -Indicate whether pickup is available as a shipping option. If yes, pickup shipping cost is 0.
- Include Sales Tax –Select Yes to include sales tax on orders when shipping to states with sales tax. Note: Only items shipped to Alaska, Delaware, Montana, New Hampshire and Oregon are exempt from sales tax.
- Shipping Home Country –Select a home country from which all orders are fulfilled. Defaults to US.
- Shipping To Countries - Provide a list of country codes (ex: US) where you ship. If left empty, the system will allow shipping to all countries.
- International Shipping Charge –This feature is DEPRECATED.
- Free Shipping Above Amount - Enter amount to make shipping free if shopping cart (after discounts) exceeds an amount. Enter amount in 100s, for example $150 is 15000.
- Credit Cards Accepted – Select the credit cards you accept.
- Send Orders to Email – Enter the email address(es) you want to receive a copy of the full order.
- Include Daily Summary with Order Copies - Check the box if you want to receive a sales and transaction summary with each order copy.
- Receive Daily Sales Report - You can receive a detailed report of the prior day's sales by clicking the box. Reports are compiled at 12:05 am.
- Fulfillment Email Address (es) - Enter the email address for fulfillment (warehouse).
- Get an Email Copy of Orders (Bcc) –Select Yes to receive a BCC copy of the email confirmation sent to the customer. You will receive a copy of the customer’s email address in your inbox.
- Include Payment – NOT RECOMMENDED. Check this box to include payment information in emailed orders. This option can be used if you do not process payments online, but it is NOT SECURE and NOT RECOMMENDED.
- Receipt Subject –Enter a subject line for the confirmation email sent to the customer.
- Receipt Intro Message – Enter a message that displays above both the receipt on the checkout page and the emailed receipt. Example: “Thank you for choosing our products!”
- Payment Method – Select how payments are processed. If you set it to charge, make sure your system is configured for processing credit cards. Please contact LVSYS for payment setup.
- Payment Param #1 – Enter Paypal user name if accepting Paypal payments.
- Payment Param #2 – NOT USED.
- Size of Excerpts – Number of characters to display for products (typically 100 characters) when they display in search results.
- Allow Reviews - Controls whether readers can review your products.
- Member Reviews - For customers with the Member Module installed.
- Member Articles - For customers with the Member Module installed.
- Notify commenters - The system will notify commenters by email after reviewing a product.
- Email Notifications - Notifies you when a review is added to a product. Recommended.
- Email Address - Alternate email address(es) to receive review notifications.
- Display Captcha - Controls if reviews should be validated by captcha forms. Recommended to prevent spammers.